I've got loads more grooming to do tomorrow and this week. Keeping up with 2 breeds is a LOT of work, (LOL!) and I have recently come to the conclusion that I am not---just not---a Furnishings Person:(:(. I completely understand that there are people who are completely devoted to fluff on ears, cheeks, foreheads, and feet and I would never want to insult those fabulous people, but unfortunately I will never be one of them because I love the practicality of clean ears and faces too much, LOLOL!
Anyway, more again next time and have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!:-):-)
Lovely. Who are her sire and dam?
Hi Deb!
She is out of Carmen (a Tort) and Diego, a REW buck I have. Carmen is baby-less and growing in a new coat right now, but I will be re-breeding her to a new buck in the spring:).
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