Sunday, December 5, 2010

Angora (New Owner) Prep Sheet

Over the summer I had several experiences with new owners who showed up to purchase one or more bunnies with no carriers to take them home in, and a few even had no cages set up at home to put them in when they got there:(. After the last instance, I decided to write up a 'Prep Sheet' for prospective new angora owners which I now keep as a file and send to every person who makes an appointment to come and buy a rabbit. I thought I would include it here for anyone who can make use of it.

Please feel free to copy or customize this list in any way, and make a point (even if it seems unnecessary!) of letting people know what equipment they will need before coming and what supplies will be needed at home in order to properly care for an angora. So far I have gotten excellent feedback on this list, and I'm sure I will be revising it over time and adding new information.


This is a list of materials that are required for the health and maintenance of an angora rabbit. Before bringing your new bunny home, please have the following items on hand:

-Sheltered Wire Cage or Outdoor hutch. Housing should be well protected from drafts and sunlight. Cages should measure 30 X 30 X 18 inches or (preferably) 30 X 36 X 18.

-32 oz. Water bottle or 32 oz. Ceramic (or Plastic) Water Crock

-32 oz. Ceramic or Plastic feed dish

-Hay (preferably Timothy)

-Quality Pelleted Feed (16-17% protein)
Quality brands include:
Heinold Wool Formula
Manna Pro
Purina Show Formula
Blue Seal Show Hutch Deluxe
Blue Seal 16%
King Feeds

-Slicker brush

-Toenail clipper (either small dog or cat scissor)


Please bring:

-Secure metal rabbit carrying cage (available from KW Cages at or Klubertanz Equipment at ) If transporting more than one rabbit, you must either have separate compartments for each OR separate carriers. They cannot be transported together.

-If a metal cage is unavailable, one or more plastic cat carriers with latched doors may be substituted. If using a cat carrier, do NOT line the floor of the cage with wood shavings, towels, or newspaper. Pad carrier floors with hay only.

**DO NOT use cardboard boxes to transport rabbits OR expect to hold rabbits in lap during transport, as both could result in severe injury to the rabbit. If no adequate mode of transport is available upon arrival, the animal in question will not be permitted to leave and the non-refundable deposit will be absorbed.

-Feed and Water dishes will not be necessary during transport unless the trip extends overnight or lengthy stops are expected. Rabbits typically do not eat or drink in transport, so it is important to provide food and drink immediately upon arrival home.

The only time a list such as this would not be needed would be if you are selling to an experienced breeder/owner. Even if someone arranges pickup at a show or fiber event, it is simple to mail this list ahead of time so that the buyer knows what is expected.

Have a great week!:-)

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