Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quick Holiday Post:)

There's a ton of stuff going on this weekend (in the barn and the garden---especially the garden) so I am going to have to make this entry short. Once school ends in 3 weeks I will try to get back to posting more often, but for now the spring workload must take precedence:-):-).

I went to a show in Harford, PA this Saturday but it didn't go well at all, so I have decided to definitively call it quits this season and breed the does who were going to enter one more show next week. Bunny numbers have been quite low this season so it has been next to impossible to keep a show and separate breeding string going. It makes more sense at this point to simply say the heck with it and get the next wave of does bred for the Fall, LOL.

I do have a few fun pictures to share that were taken this past week:). Sadako's babies (aged 5 months now) both got their first haircuts, and I posted a few before and after pictures, which always shock those who do not raise angoras because they never realize how skinny these rabbits really are without all the wool:). The first shot is of a little white buck that I am contemplating keeping (A 'Before' picture with his messy sprayed coat and an 'After' pic in which he is much, much cleaner:)). The second is of Kitka, whom I have fairly well decided to keep pending the quality of her first Sr. coat, which seems like it should work out okay:

Here is the

And this is the

More stuff again next week once I get ahold of more baby pictures (both young and old litters), and a few other things printed up about wool and other subjects:). I hope everyone out there is enjoying their holiday weekend and getting a whole lot of work done (or not!) HAPPY SPRING/and SUMMER:-)

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