There were two shows held with Deb Vecchio and Don Havlicek judging, and there were about 25 FAs entered by 5 exhibitors. Carmen took BOB in both shows with Anton taking BOS in Show B, and Diana earned BOVs in Show A & B, also.
Since I don't have any current photos of Carmen from this weekend, I will just post the same shot I took last week in Long Island while she was on the grooming table. She is also pictured from a few weeks earlier in the margin of this blog:
Carmen is a daughter of Etienne and Giacomo and the grandaughter of Juno and Morwenna. She is 10 months old at this point, so she will get clipped and bred this week to Spang's Diego, a very nice REW boy who's been biding his time around here waiting for a bunch of girlfriends, LOL:).
Aside from this exciting weekend, the latest litters are growing like weeds and have just passed the one week mark. Margaux is pregnant for sure and Juno may or may not be (that still remains to be seen:)). In a couple of days I will be adding Carmen, Bijou, Kimba, and Diana to the Momma pool, and then we'll see how everything goes.
Anyway, more again next time as life gets back to normal and the usual bunny routines are restored. Have a fantastic week and keep on breeding!:-)
Wow! That's a LOT of babies!
Congrats, Amy!
Congrats on your BIS! Sorry I didn't stay to see it. Beautiful Bunny!-Dru
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