Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Off to the Show:)

This will be my last post until next Monday because I am leaving early in the day on Friday and won't have access to a computer. I am charging the camera batteries as I speak so that I will be ready to take pictures to post on this blog and elsewhere, and all in all I am extremely excited to take part in this fabulous weekend with lots of bunnies and great company:).

As many people are aware by now, the PA Convention has become the largest rabbit show on the East coat. Last year there were over 6,000 rabbits entered and shown in each show, and this year promises to be an even bigger show with over 40 specialties and a hugely anticipated turnout. The list of judges for this show is long and impressive, and Pangora (who is hosting both Angora specialties this year) has managed to secure Randy Schumaker and Heather Litchfield, both of whom are highly skilled judges with a great deal of experience in the wool breeds. As before we will have our own 'room' at the convention again---a large hall devoted to wool breeds of every description from Lionheads to Fuzzy Lops to Angoras, with a well-planned judging area and plenty of room for carriers, bunny supplies, and grooming tables:).

I am only bringing 6 rabbits to the show this year because I will be busy with secretary duties and I have umpteen carriers of sale babies to cram into the car as well:). I will be looking forward to meeting friends that I haven't seen in awhile and catching up on all the latest news and bunny stuff.

Have a GREAT weekend, and I will report the news/results on Monday:-)

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